TitlePage: The title must mention the IV and DV. “Investigating the effect of increasing the blah, blah, blah on the blah, blah, blah.



Introduction: should be approximately ONE PAGE long.

Opening paragraph: tells us what is being studied, 1 – 3 sentences. The purpose of the experiment.


Middle paragraphs (several): provides relevant background information on your topic. Use at least three cited references


Next paragraph: Variables Discussion: List the IV, DV, constants and control (if using)


Closing Paragraph: sum it up with a predicted outcome and tell us how wonderfully your experiment will be designed and carried out


Hypothesis: one sentence only in this format:

“IF the IV is (decreased / increased) THEN the DV will (decrease / increase)”


Materials: list everything you used


Method: Describe what you did in great detail, third person, past tense. Use either a narrative (paragraph format) or as a numbered list.


Observations (also called results)

Include the data collected, placed in tables. Be sure to number and give a title for each table. Table 1: Measured Data


The observations also may include the plotted data. The charts should also have a number and title: “Figure 1: Plant Growth versus fertilizer application.”


Below each graph, include a sentence describing the trend observed.


Discussion: (should be around one page long)


Opening paragraph: A very brief summary of your major results


Next three paragraphs: EXPLAIN your results using the background research you presented in the Introduction. Use several cited references to support your explanation.


Next paragraph or two: ERRORS: discuss any sources of error which might have contributed to problems in your experiemnt.


Next paragraph: Propose modifictions to your experiment which will help fix some of the errors.


SUMMARY (also called Conclusion)


Write ONE SENTENCE which addresses the hypothesis. Was it prove? Yes, or no.


CITED REFERENCES: list 3 – 5 references using the MLA format as best you can.