Grade 11 Exam Outline
Additional Exam Review
Exam Tutorial Schedule
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Exam Review Answers
Exam Studying Advice
  • •Successful students start intensive studying for exams at least three weeks before the exam. Last minute and/or late night cramming does not work.

  • •For any given study session, you should limit yourself to one hour of intensive brainwork in one sitting, and then take a break of 10 minutes or more. Your mind will not be working as effectively after the 1 hour and you'll be wasting your time.

  • •Your exam should reflect the work done in class. For that reason, ensure that your studying includes, as a minimum, going over all your classroom notes, quizzes, tests and other assignments. It is important that you keep these up-to-date and organized throughout the entire semester.

  • •It is very important that you work through everything the teacher may give you which is called an exam review assignment. Often questions on the exam review will be similar to the exam questions.

  • •Reading over the text book is "okay," but is not the best way to study.   Focus only on those topics you actually did in class. Some textbooks do not match the course very well, and there may be large sections of the text which were not covered. Also, the teacher may have covered topics which do not appear in the text.

  • •Listen closely to everything the teacher says about the exam, and be sure to write it down: plenty of exam information and hints will be provided during the last two weeks of classes. The best exam hints are given on the very last day of class before the exam. A student would have to be very foolish to skip out on that last day.

  • •Early in your study schedule, you will likely focus on each unit separately.   However, the most serious difficulty a student faces during any exam stems from the fact that exam questions are taken from the entire course and are all mixed together.
  • The best way to prepare for this is to work through a few old exams such as the two I have provided for you.

    It is very common for students to spend way too long on multiple choice questions, then run out of time and then not complete other questions which are worth more marks.

    The best cure for exam anxiety is to be well prepared for the exam. Also if you start to panic, scan through the exam and do the easiest questions first. This will give you confidence.

    Most important, boost your own self-confidence during the exam by reminding yourself that you are an excellent, well-prepared student. You can be sure that if you are having difficulty, then it is guaranteed that almost every other student in the room is having the same problems.