GROUP NAMES: _______________, ______________, _______________, ____________
TOPIC: ___________________
A:Display & Explanation of Technology
Description: In this section, the group will get up in front of the class and explain briefly (10 minutes) how their energy technology works. Do not discuss “societal issues” yet.
This must be done in a natural, conversational style without reading. Your “display, whether a labeled photograph, computer image , overhead transparency or scale model will enhance the audience’s understanding.
Item |
Mark |
APPEARANCE / FUNCTIONALITY -Display clearly labeled -Neat, professional appearance -Enhanced understanding of topic -Considerable effort made in making display -Could be seen clearly by everyone in class |
1 2 3 4 5 |
DELIVERY -Student group explained without reading from prepared text of any kind -Showed excellent knowledge of topic -Good participation and seamless delivery -Group well prepared and organized; got started without delay |
1 2 3 4 |
GROUP ACCOMPLISHED THEIR GOAL Group answered the basic question: “how does the technology work?” |
1 2 3 |
12 |
NOTE: for this section, reading from blocks of text on PowerPoint Presentations or from cue cards not allowed
B.Creative Portion
Description: In this section, the student group will use some non-traditional way to present the main issues regarding societal / environmental impacts. The idea is to use “creative entertainment” rather than “boring lecture” to get your point across. This may include:
-puppet show with puppets made of pieces of cut-out paper glued to sticks, or more elaborate puppets
-mock News report with props
-home video on topic
-poetry reading (such as Limericks)
-interpretive dance or creative movement
Minimum 10 minutes long, although groups may take as long as they wish. Groups may need to lead the class in discussion after your creative event, to ensure that the audience got the point about the issues involved.
item |
mark |
Considerable effort was made in creative endeavor by group |
1 2 3 4 |
Elements of creativity, imagination, humour were present |
1 2 3 |
Underlying message of “societal impacts” (positive or negative) was successfully addressed by group |
1 2 3 |
Props or other teaching aids effective, enhanced overall teaching |
1 2 3 4 |
14 |
C:Student Activity:
item |
mark |
Degree of difficulty of test was appropriate: not simplistic but not impossible either. Must be a true test students’ knowlege of major issues or themes. (No word searches! or excessive use of true/false)
1 2 3 |
Evaluated item professional in appearance; provided to teacher for photocopying the DAY BEFORE presentation date |
1 2 3 |
Test administered by entire group in a “teacher-ish” fashion. (ie: fairly, with entire class forced to focus on evaluation, no talking allowed during test). Marks submitted to Mr. Koivu by the next class. |
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12 |