TitlePage: The title must mention the IV and DV. “Investigating the effect of increasing the blah,
blah, blah on the blah, blah, blah.
Introduction: should be approximately
Opening paragraph: tells us what is being studied, 1 – 3 sentences. The purpose of the experiment.
Middle paragraphs (several): provides relevant background information on your topic. Use at least three cited references
Next paragraph: Variables Discussion: List the IV, DV, constants and control (if using)
Closing Paragraph: sum it up with a predicted outcome and tell us how wonderfully your experiment will be designed and carried out
Hypothesis: one sentence only in this format:
“IF the IV is (decreased / increased) THEN the DV will (decrease / increase)”
Materials: list everything you used
Method: Describe what you did in great detail, third person, past tense. Use either a narrative (paragraph format) or as a numbered list.
Observations (also called results)
Include the data collected, placed in tables. Be sure to number and give a title for each table. Table 1: Measured Data
The observations also may include the plotted data. The charts should also have a number and title: “Figure 1: Plant Growth versus fertilizer application.”
Below each graph, include a sentence describing the trend observed.
Discussion: (should be around one page long)
Opening paragraph: A very brief summary of your major results
Next three paragraphs: EXPLAIN your results using the background research you presented in the Introduction. Use several cited references to support your explanation.
Next paragraph or two: ERRORS: discuss any sources of error which might have contributed to problems in your experiemnt.
Next paragraph: Propose modifictions to your experiment which will help fix some of the errors.
SUMMARY (also called Conclusion)
CITED REFERENCES: list 3 – 5 references using the MLA format as best you can.