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Final Assessment30%

  • Knowledge includes tests and only those quizzes which are considered "summative" or representative of the students' "final knowledge" of the topic.   Quizzes which are "formative" or considered part of the students' learning process will not be counted towards the final mark but the mark will be scaled down to about 1/4 of its original weighting.
  • Communcations/Inquiry refers mainly to science lab work and science lab report writing.   Major group presentations would also be included in this category.
  • Connections refers to larger, "independent study" type project(s) involving the use of physics in some practical application.   Assignments involving creating a pamphlet or poster on some physics application will also be included in this category.
  • Final Assessment: Since this is a UNIVERSITY stream class, the 30% final assessment will consist entirely of a formal written exam done during the regular exam period in June.

    The SPH3U students will also be qualitatively assessed on their learning skills in the following categories:   Teamwork, Organization, Works Independently, Work Habits and Initiative.

  • Any student absent on test day without discussing it with the teacher in advance will receive a "zero" on that test. The acceptable excuses for missing a test include medical reasons and approved school activities. (ie: out-of-town sports trip)

  • There will be one "drop test", where each student's lowest test mark will be eliminated. If a student misses a test for unauthorized reasons and without prior approval (rule #1, above), that test will become their "drop test."

  • There will be 2 major design and perform lab reports, written individually, due during the semester.

  • There will be dozens of smaller lab activities which will be marked as the students perform them. Students absent for these smaller "concept attainment activites" will be normally be give a "zero" grade.

  • Formulae and physical constants will be provided for every quiz, test and exam in this course.

    Good attendance is vitally important if any student hopes to get a decent grade (or indeed, pass) this physics course. This course proceeds along at a relentless pace and the material can be extremely difficult. If a student misses even one day due to absence, it often takes several days to catch up.

    Students in the habit of skipping out regularly (ie: every Friday) have no hope of succeeding in this course.
