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Citing References in Lab Reports
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Works Cited

The term Works Cited replaces the term Bibliography.

Works Cited is on a separate page. If the text of your research paper ends on page 7, the Works Cited page will be numbered page 8. Centre the title Works Cited 1" from the top of the page. Begin each entry flush with the left margin, and if it runs more than one line, indent the subsequent line or lines five spaces (one tab) from the left margin. The entries should be in alphabetical order based on surname of the author or editor.

The Works Cited page is also double spaced.

Required Information
Order Information Punctuation
1 Author's Namecomma
2 Christian name or initialsperiod
3Two spaces. Title of the book underlinedperiod
4 Two spaces. Place of publication colon
5 Two spaces. Name of publisher comma
6Year of publicationperiod

* Editor, edition, volume, and series are at the discretion of the teacher.

Works Cited Samples

Single Author of a text:

Hinton, S.E. The Outsiders. New York: Delacorte, 1979.
Steinbeck, John. The Pearl. Toronto. MacMillan, 1947.
Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Scarborough: New American Library, 1959.

A book by two or more authors: Use the first name listed to determine alphabetical order.
Barry, Jason, Foose and Jones. A Criticism of Canadian Literature. Toronto: Prentice Hall, 1989.

A work in an anthology:
Logan, James. "An Analysis of Alice Walker." The Norton Anthology of Literature. London: Norton, 1965.

From an encyclopedia or dictionary: Use the editor if the article is not signed.
Chaplin, Edward. "Atwood's Style." Encyclopedia Canadiana. 1985.

From a pamphlet: Treat the pamphlet as you would a book.

From a magazine or a periodical:
Order InformationPunctuation
1 Author's surname.comma
2 Author's initials or Christian names.period
3Title, of the, work in Quotations.period
4Name of the periodical underlined.nothing
5Volume if applicablenothing
6Date of publication of the article.colon
7Page numbers.period

Janzon, Henry. "Twain's Travels Down the Mississippi." Time 20 June 1987: 30-38.
Lomond, Margaret. "Feminists and Stereotypes." Queen's Quarterly" 2 1975: 122-126.

From a newspaper: Clancy, Jeanne. "Oprah's Business Wealth." The Globe and Mail 29 April 1994, late ed.: A4.

Films and videotapes: A film citation begins with the title, underlined, and includes the director, the distributor, and the year it was made. The most important actors may be included.
It's a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. RKO, 1946.
Philadelphia. Dir. Sam Spinks. With Tom Hanks. Orion, 1994.
Naked Gun 33 1/3 The Final lnsult. Dir. Lloyd Wells. With Leslie Nielson. Paramount, 1994. Mrs. Doubtfire. Dir. Hans Schmidt. With Robin Williams, Columbia, 1993.

Television: The title of the program, underlined, the network, the local network and the city, and the broadcast date.
W5 CTV. CHFD Thunder Bay. 21 March 1994.
Canada AM. CTV. CHFD Thunder Bay. 14 May 1994.

MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Sources

The Basic Component of the Reference Citation:

Author's Lastname, Author's Firstname. "Title of Document." Title of Complete Work (if applicable). Version or File Number, (if applicable) Document date or date of last revision (if different from access date). Protocol and address, access path or directions (date of access). The pages that follow give specific examples, following this format. Please bear in mind, however, that, like, the lnternet itself, the information sources are in a constant state of flux and, therefore, this work will also need to change as the sites themselves proliferate and adapt to the new era of electronic print.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Sites:
To cite files available for downloading via ftp, give the, author's name, (if known), the full title of the paper in quotation marks, the, document date if known and if different from the date accessed and the address of the ftp site along with the full path to follow to find the paper, and the date of access.

Bruckman, Amy. "Approches to Managing Deviant Behaviour in Virtual Communities." Apr. 1994.
(4 DEC. 1994).

www Sites (World Wide Web)
(Available via Lynx, Netscape, Other Web Browsers):

To cite flies available for viewing/downloading via the World Wide Web, give the author, name (if known), the full title of the work in quotation marks, the title of the complete work if applicable in italics, the document date if known and if different from the date accessed, the full http address, and the date of visit.

Burka, Lauren P. "A Hypertext History of Multi-User Dimensions." The MUDdex. 1993. http//www.apocalypse.oro/pub/u/lpb/muddex/essay/ (5 Dec. 1994).

Telnet Sites (Sites and Files available via the telnet protocol): List the author's name or alias (if known), the title of the work (if shown) in quotation marks, the title of the full work if applicable in italics, the document date if known and if different from the date accesed, and the complete telenet address, along with direction to access the publication, along with the date of visit.

traci (#377). "DaedallusMOO Purpose Statement." DaedalusMOO. telnet://,help purpose (30 Apr. 1996).

Synchronous Communications (M00s, MUDS, IRC, etc.):
Give the name of the speaker(s) and type of communication(ie: Personal Interview), the address if applicable and the date in parenthesis.

Pine_Guest. Personal interview. telnet://world.sensemedia.net1234 (12 Dec 1994).

WorldMOO Christmas Party. telnet:// 1234 (24 Dec. 1994)

GOPHER Sites (information available via gopher search protocols):
For information found using gopher search protocols, list the authors name(if known), the title of the paper in quotation marks, the date of publication if known and if different from the date accessed, any print publication information, and the gopher search path followed to access the information, including the date that the file wa accessed.

Email, Listerv, and Newsgroup Citations:
Give the author's name or ailas (if known), the, subject line from the posting in quotation marks, the date of the message if different from the date accessed, and the address of the listserv or newslist, alone with the date of access in parentheses. For personal email listings, omit the email address.

Bruckman, Amy s. "MOOSE crossing Proposal." (20 Dec. 1994)

Seabrook, Richard H.C. "Community and Progress." (22 Jan. 1994)

Thomson, Varry. "Virtual Reality." Personal email (25 Jan. 1995).

Publications on CD-ROM, Diskette, or Magnetic Tapes:
List the author's name, last name first, followed by the title of the article in quatation marks and the title of th publication in italics, any version or edition numbers, series name if applicable, and the publication information, if available.

Zieger, Herman 3> "Aldehyde." The Software Toolworks Multimedia Encyclopaedia. Vers. 1.5. Software Toolworks. Boston: Grolier, 1992.

Sample of Works Cited Page

Barry, Jason, Foose, and Jones. A Criticism of Canadian Literature. Toronto: Prentice Hall, 1989.

Burka, Lauren P. "A Hypertext History of Multi-User Dimensions. The MUDdex. 1993. Dec.1994)

Chaplin, Edward. "Atwood's Style." Encyclopedia Canadiana. 1985

Clancy, Jeanne, "oprah's Business Wealth." The Globe and Mail. 20 April 1994, late ed.: A4.

Janzen, Henry. "Twain's Travels Down the Mississippi." Time 20 June 1987: 30-38.

Logan, James, "An Analysis of ALice Walker." The Norton Anthology of Literature. London: Norton, 1965.

Philadelphia Dir. Sam Spinks. With Tom Hanks. Orion, 1994.

Steinbeck, John. Discovering Authors: Canadian Edition, Vers. 1.0: computer software. Gale Research Inc., c1994 PC-DOS, CD-ROM.

Steinbeck, John. The PearlToronto: MacMillan, 1947

Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnScarborough: New American Library, 1959.

WorldMoo Christmas Party. telnet:// 1234 (24 Dec. 1994)



Internet Address:

Churchill Telephone: 473-8100


Revised: November 25, 2001